MADE FREE female artisan working in ethical fair trade factories creating canvas market tote bags

Celebrating World Fair Trade Day: How You Can Get Involved

This past Saturday marked another significant World Fair Trade Day, and what a day it was! Whether you participated actively or are just hearing about it now, let’s take a moment to reflect on what happened and why this day is a cornerstone for promoting fairness and equity in the global marketplace.

What is World Fair Trade Day?

World Fair Trade Day is an annual celebration that happens on the second Saturday of May. It’s a day dedicated to raising awareness about the fair trade movement. This isn't just about buying and selling products; it's about creating a fair, equitable system that empowers farmers, workers, and artisans around the world.

Why Does It Matter?

Think about the last thing you bought—maybe a coffee, a tote bag, a t-shirt, or a piece of jewelry. Do you know who made it? Were they paid fairly? Were their working conditions safe and humane? These are the kinds of questions that fair trade tries to answer with a resounding "Yes." Learn more about the six essential questions for building a sustainable wardrobe. 

Fair trade is crucial because it ensures that the people producing the goods we enjoy every day are treated fairly and can lead dignified lives. It promotes sustainable practices, supports better working conditions, pays workers livable wages, and helps to combat poverty, child labor, and human trafficking. By supporting fair trade, consumers contribute directly to the improvement of an entire community’s standard of living.

How You Can Support Fair Trade 

Educate Yourself and Others: 

The first step to supporting fair trade is understanding it. Learn about the fair trade principles and how they impact the lives of workers and their communities. Share this knowledge with friends and family.

Shop Fair Trade Products: 

This is probably the easiest and most direct way to contribute. Look for fair trade labels on products like coffee, chocolate, clothing, and more. These products might cost a bit more, but remember, you're paying for the peace of mind that comes with ethical consumption.

Support Fair Trade Businesses: 

Beyond just buying products, support businesses that are committed to fair trade practices. Whether it's a local shop or a big brand, your support helps them continue their ethical practices.


Talk about fair trade on your social media, blog about your experiences and thoughts, and let companies know that you care about the trade practices they support. Demand for fair trade products influences more businesses to consider how they source their goods.


Even though World Fair Trade Day happens just once a year, the principles and practices it promotes are timeless and can be integrated into our daily lives. By choosing to support fair trade, you are choosing to stand against exploitation, fight poverty, and support ethical practices globally.


The logo of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) features abstract human figures in blue and green, forming a circular pattern. Around the circle, the text "WORLD FAIR TRADE ORGANIZATION" is written in uppercase black letters.

At MADE FREE, our commitment to forging economic empowerment is at the core of everything we do. By ensuring that all of our products are handcrafted in small factory teams certified by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) or that exceed WFTO standards, we are not just advocating for ethical production; we are actively investing in safe, dignified environments where makers can thrive.

How MADE FREE Factories Meet or Exceed Fair Trade Standards

A woman with dark hair is seen from above, sewing a label into a striped lining of a gray backpack. The label reads "HANDMADE".

Livable Wages & Income Security: All MADE FREE items are made in factories that pay a livable wage and meet or exceed Fair Trade standards. Fair Trade guarantees fair pay for our makers and workers—often more than the market rate. This approach helps lift people from poverty and secures a steadier income.

Safe Working Conditions: Our factories support safe, healthy work environments and the right to form unions. This is vital in sectors like manufacturing, where unsafe and unfair work conditions are more common.

Community Development: When communities have access to jobs that pay fair wages and respect workers' rights, individuals are less likely to fall prey to the false promises of traffickers. Fair jobs create a safety net, giving people stability and security, making it harder for exploitation to happen while boosting the community's economy.

Sustainability & Environmental Production: Fair Trade promotes caring for the environment through sustainable practices. This helps protect the environment and ensures communities and workers stay healthy and safe, reducing harm from dangerous chemicals and methods.

Check out our collections to support fair trade. Every purchase not only supports ethical labor practices but also contributes to sustainable development in artisan communities. 

MADE FREE canvas market tote bag in front of ocean backdrop


Let’s keep pushing for a world where fair trade isn’t the exception—it’s the norm. Here’s to making ethical choices every day and continuing to support this fair trade businesses. 


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