Sustainable Giving: What It Means for Keeping Your Employees.
You’ve heard it before: happy employees equal higher profits. But what does that mean today?
The benefits of your organization’s social footprint can span far and wide—but some of the greatest changes can happen between the walls of your company and the ears of your employees. With turnover records at an all-time high, employee retention is more important than ever. And keeping them? It’s easier than you might think.
79% of Millennials want to work for a company that cares about its impact on society.
79 percent. But they’re more than just talk. 64% of them won’t work for a company that doesn’t share their values, and 62% don’t think it’s enough for corporations to simply donate money to good causes. They want Corporate Social Responsibility woven into the fabric of their day-to-day workplace.
Now, before you brush off this generation altogether, we’ve got another number for you: 2025. In just four years, Millennials will make up 75% of your workforce.
That’s where we come in. You’ve got employees to support sustainability, and MADE FREE has a mission that will satisfy their desire for sustainability and give your bottom line a boost.
Don’t believe us? We’ve got facts. Organizations with strong sustainability programs have 55% greater morale. Business processes are 43% more efficient. And if your employees are highly engaged, your operating margin shoots up threefold and your earnings per share by four times.
The gifts you give matter. Apparel, accessories, custom swag. Every handmade good you order supports a day of freedom for a crafter in India—and every purchase you make is an investment in the men and women moving your mission forward as well.
Learn more about the MADE FREE branding program this holiday season.
MADE FREE is a U.S. based low-profit social enterprise and maker of quality handcrafted apparel and accessories. It’s mission is that one million people are made free through self-sustaining jobs. Every purchase supports a day of freedom for your crafter from slavery and poverty through a self-sustaining job. Learn more about the life-time guarantee backpacks, bags, t-shirts, aprons, journals, and other fashion apparel and accessories at causegear.com. Share your MADE FREE story using the hashtags #MadeFreeonMe.